12.01.16: Lokalavisen Taastrup with a two pages article and related photos of the IGFF 70 m2 aquaponics test plant placed in Høje Taastrup at the research facilities of Copenhagen University: |
06.10.13: Presentation at: 'Dyrk, Høst, Spis', [Grow, Harvest, Eat] Conference on Urban Farming and the edible city, Copenhagen
Download Conference report on recommendations and results (in Danish)
01.04.13: 'Green Cities and Future Food Supplies: New Opportunities for Growth in Aquaponics?, Article and interview on IGFF plans on establishing an Urban aquaponic roof top farm in Copenhagen, Hatchery International March/April 2013 | |
23.11.12: Lecture on: Organic smallholders' access to modern agro-food chains, 'The Agro-ecological network', Økologiens Hus, Aarhus Denmark
06.11.12: Article on the Aquaponic Urbania project [n Danish] http://www.foodculture.dk/Aktuelt/2012/Uge_45/Hoest_baeredygtige_spisefisk_fra_byens_tag.aspx
01.06.2012 : "Dansk Landbrug År 2025" [English: "Danish Agriculture Year 2025"] Article on the Bio-technological revolutionary change taken place in Agriculture and its impact on the outlook for Danish Agriculture in the journal 'Natur og MIljø' (Nature and Environment) of the Danish Nature Conservation Association | |
19.03.2012: Blog article: "Økologisk Jordbrug kan brødføde verden" [English: "Organic Agriculture can feed the world"] http://www.organictoday.dk/okologisk-landbrug-kan-brodfode-verden/ |
19.03.2012: Lecture on: "Mitigating the Urbanization of Poverty - Urban Farming and Public Procurement for Healthy Cities", NCD Stakeholder Action Meeting prepared by the Danish NCD Alliance and Copenhagen School of Global Health, University of Copenhagen | |
18.03.2012: Lecture on: "By-landbrug - Historie og udviklingstyper" [English: "Urban farming - History, Typologies and Development"], Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, Mellemrummet Nørrebro | |
03.03.12: Lecture on 'Urban farming and Urban Ecology' at the General assembly of the Danish Organic Association
02.03.12: Guest lecturing Professor at Århus University in "Urbanization and Urban farming" in the course: 'Agro Ecology, Food Systems and Food Security'
01.03.12: "Ulande skal overleve på økologi" (Developing countries shall pursue organic agriculture) Interview with the Danish Nature Conservation Association http://mariamedia.dk/danmarks-naturfredningsforening/dks-naturfredningsforening-%C3%B8kologi-og-ulandene.html | |
15.12.11: Lecture on "Urban farming: from the Hanging Gardens of Babylon to a Modern Agropolis", Akvaponisk Selskab, Islands Brygge 93 http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.321700071187905.83905.258692547488658&type=3
15.11.11: Lecture on 'The Future Farming' at DTU (Denmarks Technical University) arranged by IDA-Miljø and students.
17.06.2011 - TV News spot and interview (in Danish) with Dr. Paul Rye Kledal on the many urban farming initiatives taking place in Copenhagen, capital of Denmark (see also http://urbanagriculture.dk/?paged=2
09.06.2011: Lecture on "urban agriculture in a global perspective" for the Danish Landscape architect association: http://urbanagriculture.dk
04.02.2011: Lecture on "urban agriculture in a historical perspective": http://sustainablecities.dk/da/blog/2011/02/
27.10.2008: Nu vil vi udvide etik til at omfatte supermarkedet, Ritzau/HK handel 27.10.2008
June 2008: Europas vinterhave – en forretningsmulighed for danske producenter, article in Frugt og Grønt no. 6 June 2008
June 2008: Nilens vand er livsnerven i Egypten, article in Frugt og Grønt no. 6 June 2008
May 2008: Økologi i sandet, article in Økologisk Jordbrug 16th of May 2008 no. 409
August 2007: Vi er Europas største eksportør af svin, Denmarks Public Broadcasting news 30.08.2007 http://www.dr.dk/Nyheder/Penge/2007/08/30/113847.htm?rss=true |